jDev Studios

tossa beta release!

3rd Dec 2022

Hello World! Me again with a cool new side project, tossa!

tossa is a web app built on top of WebUSB and WebADB that allows you to control your phone from the browser using scrcpy but with keymapping support to allow playing videogames!

Currently, tossa controls are not perfect at all, in fact, they are awful. I know releasing a project in this state is not a good idea, however I want to slowly learn how to work with the template project. I just mentioned the template project, as much as I would love to code this from scratch, the truth is the WebADB API is hard to understand, thankfully it comes with a demo project that I modified to create tossa.

In the future, I expect to add controller support and smooth keymapping. For now, you can test it at tossa.vercel.app! As always, remember to keep experimenting and tinkering!

Ainara Garcia
