jDev Studios

Prodgomin first release!

7th Aug 2022

Hello World! Here I’m back again with a niche tool for enterprise developers, Prodgomin!

Prodgomin is a production minifier written in Go, which means you run it in the server after pulling your code and it minifies and compresses the source code directly on the production server.

But why? Well, most modern applications use a build tool that already uploads minifed and compressed files to the production server, but some enterprise applications written in specific ways just don’t have a build step! This tool runs on the production server and optimizes your storage and load times by minifying the JS, HTML and CSS and compressing it using GZip or Brotli. Additionaly it can minify PHP files so they are run faster by the PHP interpreter.

To this date, I still could only find one use case where this tool is useful, nonetheless, I still decided to upload this tool to the world. If someone ends up in need, they can use it!

I really hope you enjoy these short posts and, remember to keep on coding and experimenting!

Ainara Garcia
